Getting the name of a sub-class from within a super-class Getting the name of a sub-class from within a super-class java java

Getting the name of a sub-class from within a super-class

Don't make the method static. The issue is that when you invoke getClass() you are calling the method in the super class - static methods are not inherited. In addition, you are basically name-shadowing Object.getClass(), which is confusing.

If you need to log the classname within the superclass, use

return this.getClass().getName();

This will return "Entity" when you have an Entity instance, "User" when you have a User instance, etc.

Not possible. Static methods are not runtime polymorphic in any way. It's absolutely impossible to distinguish these cases:


They compile to the same byte code (assuming that the method is defined in Entity).

Besides, how would you call this method in a way where it would make sense for it to be polymorphic?

This works for me


But I'm not sure how it works though.