Gradle does not find tools.jar Gradle does not find tools.jar java java

Gradle does not find tools.jar

I had this problem when I was trying to run commands through CLI.

It was a problem with system looking at the JRE folder i.e. D:\Program Files\Java\jre8\bin. If we look in there, there is no Tools.jar, hence the error.

You need to find where the JDK is, in my case: D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_11, and if you look in the lib directory, you will see Tools.jar.

What I did I created a new environment variable JAVA_HOME:enter image description here

And then you need to edit your PATH variable to include JAVA_HOME, i.e. %JAVA_HOME%/bin;enter image description here

Re-open command prompt and should run.

Found it. System property 'java.home' is not JAVA_HOME environment variable. JAVA_HOME points to the JDK, while java.home points to the JRE. See that page for more info.

Soo... My problem was that my startpoint was the jre folder (C:\jdk1.6.0_26\jre) and not the jdk folder (C:\jdk1.6.0_26) as I thought(tools.jar is on the C:\jdk1.6.0_26\lib folder ). The compile line in dependencies.gradle should be:

compile files("${['java.home']}/../lib/tools.jar")

I got the same error using Eclipse trying to execute a Gradle Task. Every time I run a command (i.e. war) the process threw an exception like:

Could not find tools.jar. Please check that C:\Program Files\Java\Jre8" is a valid JDK install.

I tried the solution listed in this post but none of them solved this issue. Here my solution :

  1. Go to the "Gradle Task" view
  2. Right Click on the task you want to execute
  3. Select Open Gradle Run Configuration
  4. In the tab "Java Home" select your local JDK repository then click OK

Run again, Enjoy!