How can I set the welcome page to a struts action? How can I set the welcome page to a struts action? java java

How can I set the welcome page to a struts action?

Personally, I'd keep the same setup you have now, but change the redirect for a forward. That avoids sending a header back to the client and having them make another request.

So, in particular, I'd replace the

<%   response.sendRedirect("/myproject/MyAction.action");%>

in index.jsp with

<jsp:forward page="/MyAction.action" />

The other effect of this change is that the user won't see the URL in the address bar change from "http://server/myproject" to "http://server/myproject/index.jsp", as the forward happens internally on the server.

This is a pretty old thread but the topic discussed, i think, is still relevant. I use a struts tag - s:action to achieve this. I created an index.jsp in which i wrote this...

<s:action name="loadHomePage" namespace="/load" executeResult="true" />

As of the 2.4 version of the Servlet specification you are allowed to have a servlet in the welcome file list. Note that this may not be a URL (such as /myproject/MyAction.action). It must be a named servlet and you cannot pass a query string to the servlet. Your controller servlet would need to have a default action.

<servlet>  <servlet-name>MyController</servlet-name>  <servlet-class>com.example.MyControllerServlet</servlet-class></servlet><servlet-mapping>  <servlet-name>MyController</servlet-name>  <url-pattern>*.action</url-pattern></servlet-mapping><welcome-file-list>  <welcome-file>MyController</welcome-file></welcome-file-list>