How to get password from HTTP basic authentication How to get password from HTTP basic authentication java java

How to get password from HTTP basic authentication

The password you are referring to is most probably different from the one provided by users while login. While the use case is not clear from the question, but it appears you are trying to use the username/password provided by external users to create a connection to JMS Connection Factory. This does not sound architecturally secure to me. You should use only one credential for connecting to ConnectionFactory which needs to be protected( treat it like db connections). Better is to use JNDI to lookup ConnectionFactory and bypass the username/password management stuff.

However, in case you have to use the technique, can use following code block.I am copying it from Gitblit project as it was open in my eclipse

Using Java8 Base64 class:

final String authorization = httpRequest.getHeader("Authorization");if (authorization != null && authorization.toLowerCase().startsWith("basic")) {    // Authorization: Basic base64credentials    String base64Credentials = authorization.substring("Basic".length()).trim();    byte[] credDecoded = Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64Credentials);    String credentials = new String(credDecoded, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);    // credentials = username:password    final String[] values = credentials.split(":", 2);}

The username and password were originally sent in the HTTP Authorization header (base64 encoded) so you could use that; but if the user maintains a session using cookies, they won't necessarily send that header each time.

Those who are looking for the answer even the question is asked long before, here is my solution..

 private void authenticate(HttpServletRequest request){    String upd=request.getHeader("authorization");    String pair=new String(Base64.decodeBase64(upd.substring(6)));    String userName=pair.split(":")[0];    String password=pair.split(":")[1];    }

Base64 is imported from - org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;