How to get the version number of JavaFX? How to get the version number of JavaFX? java java

How to get the version number of JavaFX?

One of simple ways is to simply read the file located in your $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib directory.

I have Java 1.7 u9 installed at the moment. JavaFX bundled with it is v2.0.3 so the abovementioned file contains the following line:



You can get the javafx.runtime.version number from a System Property.

import javafx.application.Application;import javafx.stage.Stage;public class ReportVersion extends Application {  public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); }  @Override public void start(Stage stage) {    System.out.println("javafx.runtime.version: " + System.getProperties().get("javafx.runtime.version"));    System.exit(0);  }}

Note that the System Property access method may cause a security exception if an unsigned application is embedded in a browser or accessed via WebStart, so Sergey's com.sun call may be better even though all com.sun calls are deprecated and not part of the official JavaFX public API.


@assylias comments on Sergey's answer would seem to indicate that Sergey's com.sun may cause a security exception if an unsigned application is embedded in a browser or accessed via WebStart. So perhaps there is no good solution to determining the javafx runtime version when running under those specific conditions.