How to match "any character" in regular expression? How to match "any character" in regular expression? java java

How to match "any character" in regular expression?

Yes, you can. That should work.

  • . = any char except newline
  • \. = the actual dot character
  • .? = .{0,1} = match any char except newline zero or one times
  • .* = .{0,} = match any char except newline zero or more times
  • .+ = .{1,} = match any char except newline one or more times

Yes that will work, though note that . will not match newlines unless you pass the DOTALL flag when compiling the expression:

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*123", Pattern.DOTALL);Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(inputStr);boolean matchFound = matcher.matches();

Use the pattern . to match any character once, .* to match any character zero or more times, .+ to match any character one or more times.