How to suppress Java warnings for specific directories or files such as generated code How to suppress Java warnings for specific directories or files such as generated code java java

How to suppress Java warnings for specific directories or files such as generated code

Starting with version 3.8 M6, Eclipse (to be exact: the JDT) has built-in functionality for this. It is configurable through a project's build path: Project properties > Java Build Path > Compiler > Source

enter image description here

Announced here: Eclipse 3.8 and 4.2 M6 - New and Noteworthy, called Selectively ignore errors/warnings from source folders. That's also where the screenshot is from. This is the new feature developed on the previously linked Bug 220928.

There is a ticket for this, Bug 220928, that has since been completed for Eclipse 3.8. Please see this answer for details.

If you're stuck with Eclipse 3.7 or lower: The user "Marc" commenting on that ticket created (or at least links to) a plugin called 'warningcleaner' in comment 35. I'm using that with a lot of success while waiting for this feature to be integrated into Eclipse.

It's really quite simple:

  1. Install plugin.
  2. Right-click project and select "Add/remove generated code nature".
  3. Open the project settings (right-click and select "properties").
  4. Open the tab 'Warning Cleaner'.
  5. Select the source folders you want to ignore the warnings from.

Warning Cleaner screenshot

I solved this by using the maven regexp replace plugin - it does not solve the cause, but heals the pain:

<plugin>  <groupId></groupId>  <artifactId>maven-replacer-plugin</artifactId>  <version>1.3.2</version>  <executions><execution>  <phase>prepare-package</phase>  <goals>    <goal>replace</goal>  </goals></execution>  </executions>  <configuration><includes>  <include>target/generated-sources/antlr/**/*.java</include></includes><regex>true</regex><regexFlags>  <regexFlag>MULTILINE</regexFlag></regexFlags><replacements>  <replacement>    <token>^public class</token>    <value>@SuppressWarnings("all") public class</value>  </replacement></replacements>  </configuration></plugin>

Note that I did not manage to get the ** notation to work, so you might have to specify path exactly.

See comment below for an improvement on how not to generate duplicate @SupressWarnings