Is there a llvm java front end that converts java source to llvm's intermediate form? Is there a llvm java front end that converts java source to llvm's intermediate form? java java

Is there a llvm java front end that converts java source to llvm's intermediate form?

The Java frontend translates Java bytecode (.class files) into LLVMbytecode. Take a look at this link:

You may take a look at dragonegg, which enables llvm to use gcc's frontends. As gcc already has a frontend for java, called gcj, perhaps llvm can use it to compile java code. But I'm not sure how well llvm interfaces with the gcc frontend, so this may not work.

I have executed a java class using vmkit ( ) based on LLVM. It uses LLVM for compiling and optimizing high-level languages to machine code. J3 is an implementation of a JVM with VMKit.