Is there a replacement for the garbage collection JVM args in Java 11? Is there a replacement for the garbage collection JVM args in Java 11? java java

Is there a replacement for the garbage collection JVM args in Java 11?

List of your <arguments, current mapping, reasons> is as follows:

-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps    -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps    ==>  decoration options                               -Xlog:::time,level,tags

-XX:+PrintGCDetails       ==>  -Xlog:gc*

-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime ==> -Xlog:safepoint

Note: PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime and PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime are logged on the same tag and not separated in the new logging.

-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation-XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles    -XX:GCLogFileSize          ==>  output options                                -Xlog::::filecount=5,filesize=1024

The bits that are handled by the framework do require tweaking

Reference: The documentation I've referred to and request you to follow for such migration details.

BTW, although the NumberOfGCLogFiles and GCLogFileSize options are gone in Java 11, it is still possible to set rolling file size and count. For example:

java -Xlog:gc*,safepoint:gc.log:time,uptime:filecount=100,filesize=128K ...

It does print date with time

-Xlog:gc*:verbose_gc.log:time[2019-05-13T14:01:03.356+0530] Heap region size: 1M[2019-05-13T14:01:03.357+0530] Using G1

NOTE :- JDK 11 been used