Java project structure explained for newbies? Java project structure explained for newbies? java java

Java project structure explained for newbies?

"Simple" J2SE projects

As cletus explained, source directory structure is directly equivalent to package structure, and that's essentially built into Java. Everything else is a bit less clear-cut.

A lot of simple projects are organized by hand, so people get to pick a structure they feel OK with. What's often done (and this is also reflected by the structure of projects in Eclipse, a very dominant Java tool) is to have your source tree begin in a directory called src. Your package-less source files would sit directly in src, and your package hierarchy, typically starting with a com directory, would likewise be contained in src. If you CD to the src directory before firing up the javac compiler, your compiled .class files will end up in the same directory structure, with each .class file sitting in the same directory and next to its .java file.

If you have a lot of source and class files, you'll want to separate them out from each other to reduce clutter. Manual and Eclipse organization often place a bin or classes directory parallel to src so the .class files end up in a hierarchy that mirrors that of src.

If your project has a set of .jar files to deliver capability from third-party libraries, then a third directory, typically lib, is placed parallel to src and bin. Everything in lib needs to be put on the classpath for compilation and execution.

Finally, there's a bunch of this and that which is more or less optional:

  • docs in doc
  • resources in resources
  • data in data
  • configuration in conf...

You get the idea. The compiler doesn't care about these directories, they're just ways for you to organize (or confuse) yourself.

J2EE projects

J2EE is roughly equivalent to ASP.NET, it's a massive (standard) framework for organizing Web applications. While you can develop your code for J2EE projects any way you like, there is a firm standard for the structure that a Web container will expect your application delivered in. And that structure tends to reflect back a bit to the source layout as well.Here is a page that details project structures for Java projects in general (they don't agree very much with what I wrote above) and for J2EE projects in particular:

Maven projects

Maven is a very versatile project build tool. Personally, my build needs are nicely met by ant, which roughly compares with nmake. Maven, on the other hand, is complete-lifecyle build management with dependency management bolted on. The libs and source for most of the code in the Java world is freely available in the 'net, and maven, if asked nicely, will go crawling it for you and bring home everything your project needs without you needing to even tell it to. It manages a little repository for you, too.

The downside to this highly industrious critter is the fact that it's highly fascist about project structure. You do it the Maven way or not at all. By forcing its standard down your throat, Maven manages to make projects worldwide a bit more similar in structure, easier to manage and easier to build automatically with a minimum of input.

Should you ever opt for Maven, you can stop worrying about project structure, because there can only be one. This is it:

A package in Java is very similar to a namespace in .Net. The name of the package essentially creates a path to the classes that live inside it. This path can be thought of as the class's namespace (in .Net terms) because it is the unique identifier for the specific class you want to use. For example if you have a package named:


And inside it you had a bunch of classes:


To specifically refer to those classes you would use:


The only real difference between this and .Net (that I know of) is that Java organizes its "namespaces" structurally (each package is a distinct folder) whereas .Net allows you to scope classes using the namespace keyword and ignores where the document actually lives.

A JAR file is roughly analogous to a DLL in most cases. It is a compressed file (you can open them with 7zip) that contains source code from other projects that can be added as dependencies in your application. Libraries are generally contained in JARs.

The thing to remember about Java is that is is very structural; WHERE files live is important. Of course there is more to the story then what I posted but I think this should get you started.

A package is much like a .Net namespace. The general convention in Java is to use your reversed domain name as a package prefix so if your company is your packages will probably be:


It can be broken down to many levels rather than just one (projectname) but usually one is sufficient.

Inside your project structure classes are usually divided into logical areas: controllers, models, views, etc. It depends on the type of project.

There are two dominant build systems in Java: Ant and Maven.

Ant is basically a domain-specific scripting language and quite flexible but you end up writing a lot of boilerplate stuff yourself (build, deploy, test, etc tasks). It's quick and convenient though.

Maven is more modern and more complete and is worth using (imho). Maven is different to Ant in that Maven declares that this project is a "Web application project" (called an archetype). Once that is declared the directory structure is mandated once you specify your groupId (com.example) and artifactId (project name).

You get a lot of stuff for free this way. The real bonus of Maven is that it manages your project dependencies for you so with a pom.xml (Maven project file) and correctly configured Maven you can give that to someone else (with your source code) and they can build, deploy, test and run your project with libraries being downloaded automatically.

Ant gets something like this with Ivy.