Java reflection get all private fields Java reflection get all private fields java java

Java reflection get all private fields

It is possible to obtain all fields with the method getDeclaredFields() of Class. Then you have to check the modifier of each fields to find the private ones:

List<Field> privateFields = new ArrayList<>();Field[] allFields = SomeClass.class.getDeclaredFields();for (Field field : allFields) {    if (Modifier.isPrivate(field.getModifiers())) {        privateFields.add(field);    }}

Note that getDeclaredFields() will not return inherited fields.

Eventually, you get the type of the fields with the method Field.getType().

You can use Modifier to determine if a field is private. Be sure to use the getDeclaredFields method to ensure that you retrieve private fields from the class, calling getFields will only return the public fields.

public class SomeClass {    private String aaa;    private Date date;    private double ccc;    public int notPrivate;    public static void main(String[] args) {        List<Field> fields = getPrivateFields(SomeClass.class);        for(Field field: fields){            System.out.println(field.getName());        }    }    public static List<Field> getPrivateFields(Class<?> theClass){        List<Field> privateFields = new ArrayList<Field>();        Field[] fields = theClass.getDeclaredFields();        for(Field field:fields){            if(Modifier.isPrivate(field.getModifiers())){                privateFields.add(field);            }        }        return privateFields;    }}

Try FieldUtils from apache commons-lang3:

FieldUtils.getAllFieldsList(Class<?> cls)