Liquibase: How to Set Foreign Key(s) Constraint in Column Tag? Liquibase: How to Set Foreign Key(s) Constraint in Column Tag? java java

Liquibase: How to Set Foreign Key(s) Constraint in Column Tag?

Use a nested <constraints> tag in your column tag.


<changeSet id="SAMPLE_1" author="alice">    <createTable tableName="employee">        <column name="id" type="int" autoIncrement="true">            <constraints primaryKey="true"/>        </column>        <column name="first_name" type="varchar(255)"/>        <column name="last_name" type="varchar(255)">            <constraints nullable="false"/>        </column>    </createTable></changeSet><changeSet id="create address table" author="bob">    <createTable tableName="address">        <column name="id" type="int" autoIncrement="true">            <constraints primaryKey="true"/>        </column>        <column name="line1" type="varchar(255)">            <constraints nullable="false"/>        </column>        <column name="line2" type="varchar(255)"/>        <column name="city" type="varchar(100)">            <constraints nullable="false"/>        </column>        <column name="employee_id" type="int">            <constraints nullable="false" foreignKeyName="fk_address_employee" references="employee(id)"/>        </column>    </createTable></changeSet>

you have to add foreign constraint like:

- changeSet:    id: create_account_table    author: ankit    changes:    - createTable:        tableName: account        columns:        - column:            name: accn_id            type: uuid            constraints:              primaryKey: true              primaryKeyName: pk_account- changeSet:    id: create_table_abc    author: ankit    changes:    - createTable:        tableName: abc        columns:        - column:            name: id            type: uuid            constraints:              primaryKey: true              primaryKeyName: pk_abc        - column:            name: accn_id            type: UUID            constraints:              nullable: false              foreignKeyName: fk_abc_account              references: account(accn_id)

Maybe you can add foreign key as below:

<changeSet id="1" author="ozhanli">    <!--    Owner Entity.    -->    <createTable tableName="owner">        <column name="id" type="bigint" autoIncrement="true">            <constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false"/>        </column>        <column name="name" type="varchar(255)">            <constraints nullable="true" />        </column>    </createTable>    <!--    Car Entity.    -->    <createTable tableName="car">        <column name="id" type="bigint" autoIncrement="true">            <constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false"/>        </column>        <column name="brand" type="varchar(255)">            <constraints nullable="true" />        </column>        <column name="owner_id" type="bigint">            <constraints nullable="true" />        </column>    </createTable>    <!--    Constraints for Car entity    -->    <addForeignKeyConstraint baseColumnNames="owner_id"                             baseTableName="car"                             constraintName="fk_car_owner_id"                             referencedColumnNames="id"                             referencedTableName="owner"/></changeSet>