onPostExecute not called after completion AsyncTask onPostExecute not called after completion AsyncTask java java

onPostExecute not called after completion AsyncTask

Did you start the task with execute() method? The onPostExecute wouldn't run if you just invoke the doInBackground.

Did you create your AsyncTask on the UI thread? Also add an @Override annotaiton on your onPostExecute() method to make sure you declared it correctly.

Found/Made another nasty mistake:

If your params of onPostExecute(Param param) don't match the one you defined with extends AsyncTask<...,...,Param> and you didn't use the @Override annotation, it will never be executed and you don't get a warning from Eclipse.

Note to myself:Just always use the @Override annotation and Eclipse will help you.

Another easy way to avoid all named mistakes:

in Eclipse: Right-click in code > Source > Override/Implement Methods