Redirect console output to string in Java Redirect console output to string in Java java java

Redirect console output to string in Java

If the function is printing to System.out, you can capture that output by using the System.setOut method to change System.out to go to a PrintStream provided by you. If you create a PrintStream connected to a ByteArrayOutputStream, then you can capture the output as a String.


// Create a stream to hold the outputByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);// IMPORTANT: Save the old System.out!PrintStream old = System.out;// Tell Java to use your special streamSystem.setOut(ps);// Print some output: goes to your special streamSystem.out.println("Foofoofoo!");// Put things backSystem.out.flush();System.setOut(old);// Show what happenedSystem.out.println("Here: " + baos.toString());

This program prints just one line:

Here: Foofoofoo!

Here is a utility Class named ConsoleOutputCapturer. It allows the output to go to the existing console however behind the scene keeps capturing the output text. You can control what to capture with the start/stop methods. In other words call start to start capturing the console output and once you are done capturing you can call the stop method which returns a String value holding the console output for the time window between start-stop calls. This class is not thread-safe though.

import;import;import;import;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.List;public class ConsoleOutputCapturer {    private ByteArrayOutputStream baos;    private PrintStream previous;    private boolean capturing;    public void start() {        if (capturing) {            return;        }        capturing = true;        previous = System.out;              baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();        OutputStream outputStreamCombiner =                 new OutputStreamCombiner(Arrays.asList(previous, baos));         PrintStream custom = new PrintStream(outputStreamCombiner);        System.setOut(custom);    }    public String stop() {        if (!capturing) {            return "";        }        System.setOut(previous);        String capturedValue = baos.toString();                     baos = null;        previous = null;        capturing = false;        return capturedValue;    }    private static class OutputStreamCombiner extends OutputStream {        private List<OutputStream> outputStreams;        public OutputStreamCombiner(List<OutputStream> outputStreams) {            this.outputStreams = outputStreams;        }        public void write(int b) throws IOException {            for (OutputStream os : outputStreams) {                os.write(b);            }        }        public void flush() throws IOException {            for (OutputStream os : outputStreams) {                os.flush();            }        }        public void close() throws IOException {            for (OutputStream os : outputStreams) {                os.close();            }        }    }}

Although this question is very old and has already very good answers I want to provide an alternative. I created a library specifically for this use case. It is called Console Captor and you can add it with the following snippet:

<dependency>    <groupId>io.github.hakky54</groupId>    <artifactId>consolecaptor</artifactId>    <version>1.0.0</version>    <scope>test</scope></dependency>

Example class

public class FooService {    public void sayHello() {        System.out.println("Keyboard not responding. Press any key to continue...");        System.err.println("Congratulations, you are pregnant!");    }}

Unit test

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;import nl.altindag.console.ConsoleCaptor;import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;public class FooServiceTest {    @Test    public void captureStandardAndErrorOutput() {        ConsoleCaptor consoleCaptor = new ConsoleCaptor();        FooService fooService = new FooService();        fooService.sayHello();        assertThat(consoleCaptor.getStandardOutput()).contains("Keyboard not responding. Press any key to continue...");        assertThat(consoleCaptor.getErrorOutput()).contains("Congratulations, you are pregnant!");                consoleCaptor.close();    }}