Regular Expressions and GWT Regular Expressions and GWT java java

Regular Expressions and GWT

The same code using RegExp could be:

// Compile and use regular expressionRegExp regExp = RegExp.compile(patternStr);MatchResult matcher = regExp.exec(inputStr);boolean matchFound = matcher != null; // equivalent to regExp.test(inputStr); if (matchFound) {    // Get all groups for this match    for (int i = 0; i < matcher.getGroupCount(); i++) {        String groupStr = matcher.getGroup(i);        System.out.println(groupStr);    }}

GWT 2.1 now has a RegExp class that might solve your problem:

This answer covers ALL pattern matches, not only one, as in other answers here:


private ArrayList<String> getMatches(String input, String pattern) {    ArrayList<String> matches = new ArrayList<String>();    RegExp regExp = RegExp.compile(pattern, "g");    for (MatchResult matcher = regExp.exec(input); matcher != null; matcher = regExp.exec(input)) {       matches.add(matcher.getGroup(0));    }    return matches;}

...and sample use:

ArrayList<String> matches = getMatches(someInputStr, "\\$\\{[A-Za-z_0-9]+\\}");for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {    String match = matches.get(i);}