retrofit 2 @path Vs @query retrofit 2 @path Vs @query java java

retrofit 2 @path Vs @query

Consider this is the url:

Now this is the call:

@GET("/api/searchtypes/{Id}/filters")Call<FilterResponse> getFilterList(          @Path("Id") long customerId,          @Query("Type") String responseType,          @Query("SearchText") String searchText);

So we have:{Path}/filters?Type={Query}&SearchText={Query}

Things that come after the ? are usually queries.

For example:


Here username is the path variable, and type is the query variable

@GET("/user/{username}?type={admin}")void getUserOuth(@Path("username") String username, @Query("type") String type)


  • This annotation represents any query key value pair to be sent along with the network request


  • This annotation implies that the passed parameter will be swapped in the endpoint path