Running Gradle project via Eclipse errors "system Cannot find System Java Compiler" Running Gradle project via Eclipse errors "system Cannot find System Java Compiler" java java

Running Gradle project via Eclipse errors "system Cannot find System Java Compiler"

Go to File -> Other Settings -> Default Project Structure

enter image description here

Now Set your JDK location

enter image description here

In Preference of Eclipse (main menu: Window -> Preferences), select

Gradle -> Arguments -> Java Home, select "Workspace JRE".

Then select one of your jdk in your workspace.

On my laptop it's "jdk1.6.0_45". Yours should be the JDK 1.7 home folder, something like "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/".

You can face this problem even when all your system variables are set and correct. Usually this happens when you work with foreign code from Github etc.

So what you have to do is to check gradle version in your project level build.gradle file, and if it doesn't match to current installed version, update it.

buildscript {    //other setupps    dependencies {        classpath '' //update this to your current version    }}