Setting log level of message at runtime in slf4j Setting log level of message at runtime in slf4j java java

Setting log level of message at runtime in slf4j

There is no way to do this with slf4j.

I imagine that the reason that this functionality is missing is that it is next to impossible to construct a Level type for slf4j that can be efficiently mapped to the Level (or equivalent) type used in all of the possible logging implementations behind the facade. Alternatively, the designers decided that your use-case is too unusual to justify the overheads of supporting it.

Concerning @ripper234's use-case (unit testing), I think the pragmatic solution is modify the unit test(s) to hard-wire knowledge of what logging system is behind the slf4j facade ... when running the unit tests.


They intend to implement piecemeal construction of logging events (with dynamic logging levels) in slf4j 2.0; see

Richard Fearn has the right idea, so I wrote up the full class based on his skeleton code. It's hopefully short enough to post here. Copy & paste for enjoyment. I should probably add some magic incantation, too: "This code is released to the public domain"

import org.slf4j.Logger;public class LogLevel {    /**     * Allowed levels, as an enum. Import using "import [package].LogLevel.Level"     * Every logging implementation has something like this except SLF4J.     */    public static enum Level {        TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR    }    /**     * This class cannot be instantiated, why would you want to?     */    private LogLevel() {        // Unreachable    }    /**     * Log at the specified level. If the "logger" is null, nothing is logged.     * If the "level" is null, nothing is logged. If the "txt" is null,     * behaviour depends on the SLF4J implementation.     */    public static void log(Logger logger, Level level, String txt) {        if (logger != null && level != null) {            switch (level) {            case TRACE:                logger.trace(txt);                break;            case DEBUG:                logger.debug(txt);                break;            case INFO:      ;                break;            case WARN:                logger.warn(txt);                break;            case ERROR:                logger.error(txt);                break;            }        }    }    /**     * Log at the specified level. If the "logger" is null, nothing is logged.     * If the "level" is null, nothing is logged. If the "format" or the "argArray"     * are null, behaviour depends on the SLF4J-backing implementation.     */    public static void log(Logger logger, Level level, String format, Object[] argArray) {        if (logger != null && level != null) {            switch (level) {            case TRACE:                logger.trace(format, argArray);                break;            case DEBUG:                logger.debug(format, argArray);                break;            case INFO:      , argArray);                break;            case WARN:                logger.warn(format, argArray);                break;            case ERROR:                logger.error(format, argArray);                break;            }        }    }    /**     * Log at the specified level, with a Throwable on top. If the "logger" is null,     * nothing is logged. If the "level" is null, nothing is logged. If the "format" or     * the "argArray" or the "throwable" are null, behaviour depends on the SLF4J-backing     * implementation.     */    public static void log(Logger logger, Level level, String txt, Throwable throwable) {        if (logger != null && level != null) {            switch (level) {            case TRACE:                logger.trace(txt, throwable);                break;            case DEBUG:                logger.debug(txt, throwable);                break;            case INFO:      , throwable);                break;            case WARN:                logger.warn(txt, throwable);                break;            case ERROR:                logger.error(txt, throwable);                break;            }        }    }    /**     * Check whether a SLF4J logger is enabled for a certain loglevel.      * If the "logger" or the "level" is null, false is returned.     */    public static boolean isEnabledFor(Logger logger, Level level) {        boolean res = false;        if (logger != null && level != null) {            switch (level) {            case TRACE:                res = logger.isTraceEnabled();                break;            case DEBUG:                res = logger.isDebugEnabled();                break;            case INFO:                res = logger.isInfoEnabled();                break;            case WARN:                res = logger.isWarnEnabled();                break;            case ERROR:                res = logger.isErrorEnabled();                break;            }        }        return res;    }}

Try switching to Logback and use

ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger rootLogger = (ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger)LoggerFactory.getLogger(ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME);rootLogger.setLevel(Level.toLevel("info"));

I believe this will be the only call to Logback and the rest of your code will remain unchanged. Logback uses SLF4J and the migration will be painless, just the xml config files will have to be changed.

Remember to set the log level back after you're done.