Sort maven dependencies in Eclipse Sort maven dependencies in Eclipse java java

Sort maven dependencies in Eclipse

Finally it is possible with Eclipse Photon now.

Just tick the checkbox Sort library entries alphabetically in Package Explorer under PreferencesJavaAppearance

See also here under 'Sort library entries alphabetically in Package Explorer'.

Unfortunately theres a bug, at least for me, that the source folders are also reordered, see here.


I guess you refer to the m2eclipse plugin. You have these options:

  1. The order in the navigator is the classpath order. You can sort the dependencies in the POM to get a better list. Of course, there is a problem with transient dependencies.

  2. You can open the POM file in the POM editor and examine the dependencies in the tab "Dependency Hierarchy"

  3. You can type part of the name of a dependency to locate it when the tree item "Maven Dependencies" is open.

Maven's Pom viewer will do the trick:

Double-click the pom.xml you care about. Eclipse opens it in a special viewer with five tabs on the bottom: Overview, Dependencies, Dependency Hierarchy, Effective POM, and pom.xml.

Click Dependency Hierarchy. You should see the following on the right side of the view:

enter image description here

It's alphabetized.