Where should I put the log4j.properties file? Where should I put the log4j.properties file? java java

Where should I put the log4j.properties file?

I know it's a bit late to answer this question, and maybe you already found the solution, but I'm posting the solution I found (after I googled a lot) so it may help a little:

  1. Put log4j.properties under WEB-INF\classes of the project as mentioned previously in this thread.
  2. Put log4j-xx.jar under WEB-INF\lib
  3. Test if log4j was loaded: add -Dlog4j.debug @ the end of your java options of tomcat

Hope this will help.


As already stated, log4j.properties should be in a directory included in the classpath, I want to add that in a mavenized project a good place can be src/main/resources/log4j.properties

You can specify config file location with VM argument -Dlog4j.configuration="file:/C:/workspace3/local/log4j.properties"