With android studio no jvm found, JAVA_HOME has been set With android studio no jvm found, JAVA_HOME has been set java java

With android studio no jvm found, JAVA_HOME has been set

It says that it should be a 64-bit JDK. I have a feeling that you installed (at a previous time) a 32-bit version of Java. The path for all 32-bit applications in Windows 7 and Vista is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\

You were setting the JAVA_HOME variable to the 32-bit version of Java. Set your JAVA_HOME variable to the following:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45

If that does not work, check that the JDK version is 1.7.0_45. If not, change the JAVA_HOME variable to (with JAVAVERSION as the Java version number:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdkJAVAVERSION

Here is the tutorial :-http://javatechig.com/android/installing-android-studioand http://codearetoy.wordpress.com/2010/12/23/jdk-not-found-on-installing-android-sdk/

Adding a system variable JDK_HOME with value c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\ worked for me. The latest Java release can be downloaded here.Additionally, make sure the variable JAVA_HOME is also set with the above location.

Please note that the above location is my java location. Please post your location in the path

Though, the question is asked long back, I see this same issue recently after installing Android Studio 2.1.0v, and JDK 7.80 on my PC Windows 10, 32 bit OS. I got this error.

No JVM installation found. Please install a 32 bit JDK. If you already have a JDK installed define a JAVA_HOME variable in Computer > System Properties > System Settings > Environment Variables.

I tried different ways to fix this nothing worked. But As per System Requirements in this Android developer website link.

Its solved after installing JDK 8(jdk-8u101-windows-i586.exe) JDK download site link.

Hope it helps somebody.