Access Denied while sending email from AWS SES in Lambda function Access Denied while sending email from AWS SES in Lambda function javascript javascript

Access Denied while sending email from AWS SES in Lambda function

So, I was also having the same problem which Rakesh has explained but couldn't understand the steps he was saying to do so here is a detailed explanation with steps.

You need to do the following Security, Identity & Compliance -> IAM -> Roles -> select your lambda function -> then edit policy -> open it in JSON and add the below part

{  "Effect":"Allow",  "Action":[    "ses:SendEmail",    "ses:SendRawEmail"  ],  "Resource":"*"}

or you can do as per requirement from these policy examples, you need to verify the email address first so don't forget that. Hope this helps everyone.

After a long debugging i got the issue, "lambda_basic_execution" role need to be granted with permission to access "ses:SendEmail", "ses:SendRawEmail".

Where i was trying to grant permission for the new IAM role i have created, but lambda function is mapped to "lambda_basic_execution" so there is a mismatch.

Reference -

If you are configuring policies for a SAM Lambda or using a YAML configuration file, you would use something like this:


AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31Description: 'your-email-lambda'Resources:  YourEmailFunction:    Type: AWS:Serverless::Function    Properties:      Policies:        - Version: '2012-10-17'          Statement:            - Effect: Allow              Action:                - 'ses:SendEmail'                - 'ses:SendRawEmail'              Resource: '*'