Accessing Index in #each in emberjs Accessing Index in #each in emberjs javascript javascript

Accessing Index in #each in emberjs


Since this PR, it's now possible to use the each helper with index, taking advance of the new block params syntax. This is available on canary and hopefully will be enabled by default in ember 1.11

{{#each model as |item index|}}  <li>    Index: {{index}} Content: {{item}}  </li>{{/each}}

Live sample


You can use {{_view.contentIndex}}.

{{#each item in model}}  <li>    Index: {{_view.contentIndex}} Content: {{item}}  </li>{{/each}}

Live sample

No it doesn't exist in Ember's version of Handlebars, one way is to use an item controller and add a property to it saying whether it's the first or last etc.

App.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({  itemController: 'itemer'});App.ItemerController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({  needs:['index'],  isFirst: function(){    return this.get('color') === this.get('controllers.index.firstObject.color');  }.property('controllers.index.firstObject')});

Note, regarding the @index syntax specifically, as of October 2014:

Ember does not support @index (or any of the other @data type properties).