Allowing custom tags in TinyMCE for integration with indexhibit Allowing custom tags in TinyMCE for integration with indexhibit javascript javascript

Allowing custom tags in TinyMCE for integration with indexhibit

You just need to add it to the list of short ended elements:

extended_valid_elements : "plug:plugin_name[*]",custom_elements: "~plug:plugin_name[*]",short_ended_elements: 'area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param embed source wbr track plug:plugin_name'

Here's a fiddle to demonstrate.

Instead of:

closed : /^(br|hr|input|meta|img|link|param|area|plug:plugin_name)$/,

Does this work?

closed : /^(br|hr|input|meta|img|link|param|area|plug)$/,

Note the last item "plug" without the : modifier.

Have you tried this option?

valid_elements: "a,br,span,plug:plugin_name,another:tag"