Angular 2 - how to use the new angular 2.0.0-rc.1 router Angular 2 - how to use the new angular 2.0.0-rc.1 router javascript javascript

Angular 2 - how to use the new angular 2.0.0-rc.1 router

Here is how to use the Angular 2 Router (RC1), compared to the beta (deprecated) one:

  • Routes replaces RouteConfig.
  • Inside your config there is a new syntax:

    {path: '/path', component: MyPathComponent}

    instead of:

    {path:'/path', name: 'MyPath', component: MyPathComponent}

  • Using routerLink is now like that:

    <a [routerLink]="['/path/2']">Click to navigate</a>

    Instead of:

<a [routerLink]="['MyPath', 'Detail', {id:2}]">Shark Crisis</a>

  • Also there is no RouteParams anymore, instead you get the params usingthe router lifecycle hooks: CanActivate, OnActivate, andCanDeactivate.

If you used params inside ngOnInit, you can do that like this now:

routerOnActivate(curr: RouteSegment): void {           curr.getParam('id');       }

You will end up having something like this:

import {ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, Router, Routes} from "@angular/router";@Injectable()@Component({    selector: "my-app",    templateUrl: `<a [routerLink]="['/component1']">Click to go to component 1</a>`,    directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]})@Routes([    {path: "/component1", component: Component1},    {path: "/component2", component: Component2}])export class AppComponent {    constructor(private _router: Router) {        //If you want to use Router in your component (for navigation etc), you can inject it like this    }}

Update (9/6/16):It seems that Angular 2 RC1 Router is being deprecated like the old one.The new recommendation is to use version 3.0.0-alpha.3 of @angular/router.

Here is more info at the Angular blog:

Here is an overview of the new router:

And here is a working plunker:

This helped me get started with the new router:

EDIT: Above link is empty for now.. cached version thanks to tylerjgarland:

I also found Misko Hevery's router talk from ng-conf helpful:

UPDATE: It appears that the RC1 Router is being abandoned? that is why the docs disappeared rather than being completed...

UPDATE 2: The RC2 Router has now been released:

The Component Router is in alpha release. This is the recommended Angular 2 router and supersedes the earlier deprecated beta and v2 routers.

this line in package.json for the new alpha router:

"@angular/router": "3.0.0-alpha.7",

as I found out here: Installing Angular 2 RC2 w/ new component router