AngularJS error: fnPtr is not a function AngularJS error: fnPtr is not a function javascript javascript

AngularJS error: fnPtr is not a function

Just wanted to add for anybody receiving this error, it can also be seen if you, like me, make the n00b mistake of creating a variable with the same name as function (the function being called from ng-click:

$scope.addTask = {};$scope.addTask = function() {};

I have tested your code. Using AngularJS 1.0.7, the error disappears when you replace

$scope.send = new function() {


$scope.send = function () {

and same applies to fetchList.

I guess you mixed the two syntaxes function(*args*) { *body* } and new Function(*args*, *body*). Check on MDN: Function.

You have also to change your code in order to get your fetchList properly called:

function theNamer($scope, $http) {        $scope.myName = 'aa';        $scope.fetchList = function() {            $http.get('ca/list.json').success(function(thList) {                $scope.names = thList;            });        };        $scope.send = function() {            $'ca/set/3').success(function() {                $scope.fetchList();            });        };        $scope.fetchList();}