AngularJS | handle routing before they load AngularJS | handle routing before they load javascript javascript

AngularJS | handle routing before they load

Use $routeProvider resolve

.when('/', {    templateUrl: 'src/app/views/index.html',    controller: 'indexCtrl',    resolve: function($q, $location) {      var deferred = $q.defer();       deferred.resolve();      if (!isAuthenticated) {         $location.path('/login');      }      return deferred.promise;    }})

My solution was combining $locationChangeStart and $routeChangeStart:

$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (event) {    //If login data not available, make sure we request for it    if($facebook.isConnected()==null) {        $facebook.getLoginStatus();        event.preventDefault();        return;    }    var next=parseRoute().$$route;    if(!Auth.loginCheck(next))        event.preventDefault();});

I copied parseRoute() from angular-route.js to parse the given URL to route..

Then I build my login check handler(Auth.loginCheck) in a way that if it fail it return false.

I also use $routeChangeStart to handle $route.reload() events, so now after every change within my authentication status I just do $route.reload():

$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (event, next) {    Auth.loginCheck(next);});

Finally I just make sure that this custom service is always will run by using simple run() method.


We now using ngAuth, a module we designed to solve that exact problem(based on the answer I gave here before).

At last, we developed a angular-module that solved this issue.. This module is based on the answer I published here before.

Due the requests here, we published a beta release that works now:

Feel free to use it.

Angularjs resolve example:

.when('/profile', {        templateUrl: 'views/profile.html',        controller: 'ProfileCtrl',        resolve: {            app: function($q, $rootScope, $location) {                var defer = $q.defer();                if ($rootScope.currentUser == undefined) {                    $location.path('/login');                };                defer.resolve();                return defer.promise;            }        }