Any way to get a bounding box from a three.js Object3D? Any way to get a bounding box from a three.js Object3D? javascript javascript

Any way to get a bounding box from a three.js Object3D?

You don't need to iterate over all children of the object; there's a method in the library to do this: THREE.Box3#setFromObject: see the docs. For example, you can do:

var bbox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(obj);

to get the bounding box of obj, including all of its children, and accounting for any translations, rotations, etc.

Note that the BoundingBox helper is intended to draw a bounding box in the scene, not for just calculating the bounding box of some object.

If you want the bounding box position and size as the object appears in the scene, try the BoundingBoxHelper:

var helper = new THREE.BoundingBoxHelper(someObject3D, 0xff0000);helper.update();// If you want a visible bounding boxscene.add(helper);// If you just want the numbersconsole.log(;console.log(;

The .boundingBox on the geometry doesn't account for translations, rotations, or scaling that may be applied to the parent mesh and etc. and I found it very difficult to adjust for that manually, but the helper does it for you.

For any shape, on its geometry object, there is a boundingBox property. This property holds a THREE.Box3 object. This Box3 object consists of two THREE.Vector3 objects, min and max.

var geometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(...);var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial(...);var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);var boundingBox = mesh.geometry.boundingBox.clone();alert('bounding box coordinates: ' +     '(' + boundingBox.min.x + ', ' + boundingBox.min.y + ', ' + boundingBox.min.z + '), ' +     '(' + boundingBox.max.x + ', ' + boundingBox.max.y + ', ' + boundingBox.max.z + ')' );

For more complex shapes, like those loaded from JSON Object files, the bounding box property is undefined by default. It must be computed explicitly.

var loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader();loader.load(imagePath, function(object){    geometry = object.children[0].children[0].geometry;  // substitute the path to your geometry    geometry.computeBoundingBox();  // otherwise geometry.boundingBox will be undefined    var boundingBox = geometry.boundingBox.clone();    alert('bounding box coordinates: ' +         '(' + boundingBox.min.x + ', ' + boundingBox.min.y + ', ' + boundingBox.min.z + '), ' +         '(' + boundingBox.max.x + ', ' + boundingBox.max.y + ', ' + boundingBox.max.z + ')' );}