BackboneJs: how do i bootstrap my data in the page markup, and when do i assign them to my collections BackboneJs: how do i bootstrap my data in the page markup, and when do i assign them to my collections javascript javascript

BackboneJs: how do i bootstrap my data in the page markup, and when do i assign them to my collections

I tend to setup application objects - an object that encapsulates all of the code needed to start my application. I then take parameters into that object's constructor, so that they can be used by the app object. Passing pre-loaded JSON data into the app object is one of the things I do, to keep the code sane and encapsulated.

It goes something like this, usually:

MyApp = (function(Backbone, _){  var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});  var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({    model: MyModel  });  var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({    initialize: function(){      this.collection.bind("reset", this.render, this);    },    render: function(){      // do stuff with the collection here    }  });  var myApp = function(initialModels){    this.start = function(){      this.models = new MyCollection();      this.myView = new MyView({collection: this.models});      this.models.reset(initialModels);      };  };  return myApp;})(Backbone, _);

And then in my page that needs to start up the app, I do this:

<script language="javascript">  var myApp = new MyApp(<%= mymodels.to_json %>);  myApp.start();</script>

That's the rails version of course. Just replace the <%= ... %> with your version for the Razor syntax in ASP.NET MVC.

if on Rails: in addition to Dericks answer you might want to use Gon to "get your Rails variables in your js".

then you would initialize your app like that:

<script language="javascript">  var myApp = new MyApp(gon.mymodels);  myApp.start();</script>

The excellent example from Derick! For MVC 3+ use this syntax:

<script language="javascript">  var myApp = new MyApp( @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model)) );  myApp.start();</script>