Can I dynamically set tabindex in JavaScript? Can I dynamically set tabindex in JavaScript? javascript javascript

Can I dynamically set tabindex in JavaScript?

document.getElementById("link3").tabIndex = 6;

Using JQuery we can set tab index dynamically easilyTry this code- set the tabindex and increment the variable

$(function() {    var tabindex = 1;    $('input,select').each(function() {        if (this.type != "hidden") {            var $input = $(this);            $input.attr("tabindex", tabindex);            tabindex++;        }    });});

Dynamically setting tabindex = "-1" for readonly inputs

That is an interesting question; the more that CSS support is still not available.

Here is how tabindex can be set to -1 for all readonly input elements:

NodeList.prototype.forEach = NodeList.prototype.forEach || Array.prototype.forEach;document.querySelectorAll('input[readonly="readonly"]').forEach(x => x.tabIndex = -1);

The first line ensures that the NodeList class is extended with the forEach method. This is further explained here.