Cannot use `document.execCommand('copy');` from developer console Cannot use `document.execCommand('copy');` from developer console javascript javascript

Cannot use `document.execCommand('copy');` from developer console

document.execCommand('copy') must be triggered by the user. It's not only from the console, it's anywhere that's not inside an event triggered by the user. See below, the click event will return true, but a call without event won't and a call in a dispatched event also.

console.log('no event', document.execCommand('bold'));document.getElementById('test').addEventListener('click', function(){    console.log('user click', document.execCommand('copy'));});document.getElementById('test').addEventListener('fakeclick', function(){    console.log('fake click', document.execCommand('copy'));});var event = new Event('fakeclick')document.getElementById('test').dispatchEvent(event) ;
<div id="test">click</ha>