Check if object value exists within a Javascript array of objects and if not add a new object to array Check if object value exists within a Javascript array of objects and if not add a new object to array javascript javascript

Check if object value exists within a Javascript array of objects and if not add a new object to array

I've assumed that ids are meant to be unique here. some is a great function for checking the existence of things in arrays:

const arr = [{ id: 1, username: 'fred' }, { id: 2, username: 'bill' }, { id: 3, username: 'ted' }];function add(arr, name) {  const { length } = arr;  const id = length + 1;  const found = arr.some(el => el.username === name);  if (!found) arr.push({ id, username: name });  return arr;}console.log(add(arr, 'ted'));