Cleaning up sinon stubs easily Cleaning up sinon stubs easily javascript javascript

Cleaning up sinon stubs easily

Sinon provides this functionality through the use of Sandboxes, which can be used a couple ways:

// manually create and restore the sandboxvar sandbox;beforeEach(function () {    sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();});afterEach(function () {    sandbox.restore();});it('should restore all mocks stubs and spies between tests', function() {    sandbox.stub(some, 'method'); // note the use of "sandbox"}


// wrap your test function in sinon.test()it("should automatically restore all mocks stubs and spies", sinon.test(function() {    this.stub(some, 'method'); // note the use of "this"}));

Previous answers suggest using sandboxes to accomplish this, but according to the documentation:

Since sinon@5.0.0, the sinon object is a default sandbox.

That means that cleaning up your stubs/mocks/spies is now as easy as:

var sinon = require('sinon');it('should do my bidding', function() {    sinon.stub(some, 'method');}afterEach(function () {    sinon.restore();});

An update to @keithjgrant answer.

From version v2.0.0 onwards, the sinon.test method has been moved to a separate sinon-test module. To make the old tests pass you need to configure this extra dependency in each test:

var sinonTest = require('sinon-test');sinon.test = sinonTest.configureTest(sinon);

Alternatively, you do without sinon-test and use sandboxes:

var sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();afterEach(function () {    sandbox.restore();});it('should restore all mocks stubs and spies between tests', function() {    sandbox.stub(some, 'method'); // note the use of "sandbox"}