const enum in Typescript const enum in Typescript javascript javascript

const enum in Typescript

Just remove the const modifier.

const in an enum means the enum is fully erased during compilation. Const enum members are inlined at use sites. You can can't index it by an arbitrary value.In other words, the following TypeScript code

const enum Snack {  Apple = 0,  Banana = 1,  Orange = 2,  Other = 3}let snacks = [  Snack.Apple,  Snack.Banana,  Snack.Orange,  Snack.Other];

is compiled to:

let Snacks = [    0 /* Apple */,    1 /* Banana */,    2 /* Orange */,    3 /* Other */];

Compare it with non-const version:

enum Snack {  Apple = 0,  Banana = 1,  Orange = 2,  Other = 3}let Snacks = [  Snack.Apple,  Snack.Banana,  Snack.Orange,  Snack.Other];

it is compiled to:

var Snack;(function (Snack) {    Snack[Snack["Apple"] = 0] = "Apple";    Snack[Snack["Banana"] = 1] = "Banana";    Snack[Snack["Orange"] = 2] = "Orange";    Snack[Snack["Other"] = 3] = "Other";})(Snack || (Snack = {}));let Snacks = [    Snack.Apple,    Snack.Banana,    Snack.Orange,    Snack.Other];

Source: const enums @