convert textareas string value to JavaScript array separated by new lines convert textareas string value to JavaScript array separated by new lines javascript javascript

convert textareas string value to JavaScript array separated by new lines

String.prototype.split() is sweet.

var lines = $('#mytextarea').val().split(/\n/);var texts = [];for (var i=0; i < lines.length; i++) {  // only push this line if it contains a non whitespace character.  if (/\S/.test(lines[i])) {    texts.push($.trim(lines[i]));  }}

Note that String.prototype.split is not supported on all platforms, so jQuery provides $.split() instead. It simply trims whitespace around the ends of a string.

$.trim(" asd  \n") // "asd"

Check it out here:

Use split function:

var arrayOfLines = $("#input").val().split("\n");

var split = $('#textarea').val().split('\n');var lines = [];for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++)    if (split[i]) lines.push(split[i]);return lines;