Converting between strings and ArrayBuffers Converting between strings and ArrayBuffers javascript javascript

Converting between strings and ArrayBuffers

Update 2016 - five years on there are now new methods in the specs (see support below) to convert between strings and typed arrays using proper encoding.


The TextEncoder represents:

The TextEncoder interface represents an encoder for a specific method, that is a specific character encoding, like utf-8, iso-8859-2, koi8, cp1261, gbk, ... An encoder takes a stream of code points as input and emits a stream of bytes.

Change note since the above was written: (ibid.)

Note: Firefox, Chrome and Opera used to have support for encoding types other than utf-8 (such as utf-16, iso-8859-2, koi8, cp1261, and gbk). As of Firefox 48 [...], Chrome 54 [...] and Opera 41, no other encoding types are available other than utf-8, in order to match the spec.*

*) Updated specs (W3) and here (whatwg).

After creating an instance of the TextEncoder it will take a string and encode it using a given encoding parameter:

if (!("TextEncoder" in window))   alert("Sorry, this browser does not support TextEncoder...");var enc = new TextEncoder(); // always utf-8console.log(enc.encode("This is a string converted to a Uint8Array"));