Converting WAV to any compressed audio format in client-side JavaScript Converting WAV to any compressed audio format in client-side JavaScript javascript javascript

Converting WAV to any compressed audio format in client-side JavaScript

I've made an audio recorder that records to mp3 directly from the browser combining RecorderJS and libmp3lame.js

You can find the gitHub project here:

and a more detailed explanation of the implementation:

What you really want is the mediaStream "Recording API", which is currently being worked on. Until that's available, I advise using emscriptem on C/C++ source, and consider running it in a webworker to avoid blocking the UI and other tabs.

I was facing the same problem and came up with quite a quick and dirty solution:

  • zip the wav-file with zip.js (works with Chrome, Firefox, Safari 6 and Internet Explorer 10)

Further intel see Documentation zip.js

At least this is reducing size a lot, file is about >75% smaller so 1:4 compression

UPDATE: Maybe have a look at this:

It is a Chat Application for Chrome and Firefox developed by google, I assume with kind of CC-License