datatables jquery click event not working after pagination datatables jquery click event not working after pagination javascript javascript

datatables jquery click event not working after pagination

Because the event is attached only to existing elements.

You should change it to:

$("#tableId").on("click", ".activeAccount", function(){   // your code goes here});

Read more in the documentation of jQuery.on.

$(document).on("click",".activeAccount",function(e){ // your code goes here});

I had the same issue. Every time my AJAX function(modalContentAjaxRefresh) update the table the paging stop. SO I just had to change my code from :

From :

$('.modal-toggle').off('click', modalContentAjaxRefresh).on('click', modalContentAjaxRefresh);


$('#DataTables_Table_0_wrapper').on("click", ".modal-toggle", modalContentAjaxRefresh);

My button inside datatable is :

< a title="Edit" class="btn btn-xs btn-info modal-toggle"
data-style="zoom-in" href="/setting/account/{{account_turn.uuid}}/update" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#editAccount" wecare-method="GET">