Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery javascript javascript

Detect Android phone via Javascript / jQuery

Take a look at that :


var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();var isAndroid = ua.indexOf("android") > -1; //&& ua.indexOf("mobile");if(isAndroid) {  // Do something!  // Redirect to Android-site?  window.location = '';}


$ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);if(stripos($ua,'android') !== false) { // && stripos($ua,'mobile') !== false) {  header('Location:');  exit();}

Edit : As pointed out in some comments, this will work in 99% of the cases, but some edge cases are not covered. If you need a much more advanced and bulletproofed solution in JS, you should use platform.js :

How about this one-liner?

var isAndroid = /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent);

The i modifier is used to perform case-insensitive matching.

Technique taken from Cordova AdMob test project:

I think Michal's answer is the best, but we can take it a step further and dynamically load an Android CSS as per the original question:

var isAndroid = /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent);if (isAndroid) {    var css = document.createElement("link");    css.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");    css.setAttribute("type", "text/css");    css.setAttribute("href", "/css/android.css");    document.body.appendChild(css);}