Detect if Angular dependencies [angular-route, angular-resource, etc] are loaded for CDN fallback Detect if Angular dependencies [angular-route, angular-resource, etc] are loaded for CDN fallback javascript javascript

Detect if Angular dependencies [angular-route, angular-resource, etc] are loaded for CDN fallback

Here is an approach that works specifically with the Microsoft Optimization Framework as you provided in the OP

angularjsRoute.CdnFallbackExpression = @"    function() {         try {             window.angular.module('ngRoute');        } catch(e) {            return false;        }         return true;    })(";

This expression is not valid javascript itself, but the MS Optimization Framework uses this and eventually produces the following output to the page. Now we have a valid self-executing javascript function that returns true or false based on whether the angular module loads.

<script>(function() {     try {        window.angular.module('ngRoute');    }    catch(e) {        return false;    }    return true;})()||document.write('<script src="/bundles/scripts/angularjs-route"><\/script>');</script>

This is what I use:

<script src="//"></script><script>  try { //try to load from cdn    //use the name of the angular module here    angular.module('ui.bootstrap');  }   catch(e) { //error thrown, so the module wasn't loaded from cdn    //write into document from local source    document.write('<script src="sys/lib/ui-bootstrap.js"><\/script>');   }</script>

angular.module throws an error if there is no such module, which is exactly what we need to know! try/catch is great here.

(Variation on the answer from qntmfred.)

Instead of leaving that strange trailing open bracket, just use a normal immediately-invoked function.

The result will simply be that the Optimization Framework will wrap this in another set of parentheses, but leaves your C# much clearer.

angularjsRoute.CdnFallbackExpression =     @"(function() {         try {             window.angular.module('ngRoute');        } catch(e) {            return false;        }         return true;    })()";