Develop nodejs with visual studio 2010 Develop nodejs with visual studio 2010 javascript javascript

Develop nodejs with visual studio 2010

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I can read English,but I can't write in English .So ,just this...囧

If you just want to use Visual Studio as a text editor, you can do that to edit Node apps. Use File > Open Website to open the folder that your Node application is in.

You can then open any *.js file and edit it using Visual Studio's text editor.

If you want to try some experimental Intellisense support, check out node-vsdoc. You'll have to add the nd/node-vsdoc.js file to your project and then reference it like this:

/// <reference path="node-vsdoc.js" />

Here's an example:

I was using VS for Node development and it was just a very poor experience. That said, simply create an Empty Website project. Which is about as empty as a project can be in VS... personally, I wish VS had support for a "non-compiled" or "script" project, to hold misc files, or outside scripts that aren't the purview of VS. That aside you may want to try out the typescript plugins for VS, as they add a lot of useful intellisense support, for what it's worth.

That said, you may want to give another editor a chance, if you don't need integrated source control you might want to look at WebMatrix2 (free) from MS, there's a plugin that makes node-inspector debugging transparent. Personally, I've been using JetBrains WebStorm (not too pricey) and loving it.