Disable javascript analysis in resharper? Disable javascript analysis in resharper? javascript javascript

Disable javascript analysis in resharper?

We are constantly optimizing the performance, and I hope that in 9.0 it would be much better, but currently in 8.1 you have an option to completely disable JavaScript support in ReSharper by turning off options "JavaScript" and "TypeScript" in ReSharper | Options -> Environment | Languages.

TypeScript 1.8 was the last supported release for VS 2013

Download latest version of TypeScript for Visual Studio 2013 is 1.8.5

If you are using Resharper to get the proper syntax highlighting you will need to disable it's support for TypeScript so that the VS 2013 TypeScript is used instead.

In Resharper 8.2 go navigate to ReSharper | Options - Environment - Languages

enter image description here

In Resharper 9.2 navigate to ReSharper | Options - Environment - Products & Features

enter image description here

This is needed as ReSharper only recognizes syntax up to TypeScript 1.6 version.

enter image description here

I had the same problem with Typescript. You can keep you ReSharper but remove the file types that you don't like it to process by adding it as third party code like I did for typescript in the screenshot.

enter image description here