Ember.js: Reloading a .hasMany relationship given through "links" in payload Ember.js: Reloading a .hasMany relationship given through "links" in payload javascript javascript

Ember.js: Reloading a .hasMany relationship given through "links" in payload

DS.Model.reopen({  reloadLink: function (linkKey) {    if ($.isArray(linkKey)) {      var promises = [];      for (var i = 0; i < linkKey.length; i++) {        promises.push(this.reloadLink(linkKey[i]));      }      return Em.RSVP.all(promises);    } else {      var rel = this._relationships[linkKey];      if (rel) {        if (rel.reload) {          return rel.reload();        } else if (rel.fetchLink) {          return rel.fetchLink();        }      }    }  }});


model: function () {    var model = this.modelFor('_some_model_');    return model.reloadLink(['link1', 'link2']).then(function () {      return model;    });}

So there is an issue on GitHub that is not closed yet (As of today): https://github.com/emberjs/data/issues/1913

I do not know how to make it reload, but I thought that I will share the workaround that I did to resolve this issue.

I am using websockets, so when ever a new post is being created, I just send it through websocket and use the data to update the collection.

I am aware that this does not fix the issue with Ember Reload, but I guess this is a decent solution to the people who are already using Websockets / Socket.io.