Enable dragging in UIWebView / WKWebView Enable dragging in UIWebView / WKWebView javascript javascript

Enable dragging in UIWebView / WKWebView

Trello, on the desktop website, allows you to drag elements around..

However, when using Safari on iOS, this doesn't work.

The reason why it doesn't work on safari iOS is because it considers mouse events(on desktop) different than the touch events(on iOS)

If I present this in a UIWebView or WKWebView, can I make the WebView act more like desktop Safari, so that I can drag the elements around?

.. I'm just curious if this is possible with WebView

Yes it is possible in WebView. You can use the Jquery UI for drag and drop with an additional library that translates mouse events into touch which is what you need. Have a look at jquery-ui-touch-punch. With this your drag and drop from Jquery UI would work on iOS or any device. You may use something like:

function touchHandler(event) {    var touch = event.changedTouches[0];    var simulatedEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");        simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent({        touchstart: "mousedown",        touchmove: "mousemove",        touchend: "mouseup"    }[event.type], true, true, window, 1,        touch.screenX, touch.screenY,        touch.clientX, touch.clientY, false,        false, false, false, 0, null);    touch.target.dispatchEvent(simulatedEvent);    event.preventDefault();}function init() {    document.addEventListener("touchstart", touchHandler, true);    document.addEventListener("touchmove", touchHandler, true);    document.addEventListener("touchend", touchHandler, true);    document.addEventListener("touchcancel", touchHandler, true);}

to convert mouse events into touch and it works like magic. Have a look at this tutorial on jQuery UI Touch Punch, with jQuery UI . Here's a cool article with demo on the same.

code courtesy

Well, it is possible with a WebView. The actual answer is : how ? How, in order to get a great UX result. Mobile device is not a desktop, the actual solution is a matter of UX, dedicated to mobile:

You could use a longtap to make a card "flying/ready-for-drag" (turning scroll off). Or Use a zone/flat-button on the card, that users hook to drag it. Thoughts. You should absolutely avoid scroll & drag 'turned on' at the same time. It's drag OR scroll, never drag AND scroll.

EDITYou can use :

In case you are just wondering if there is a simple way to enable drag&drop cross-platform even on mobile, I may suggest you to use Interact.js, a nice UI interaction library I've used successfully in multiple projects.

Using a little code you can achieve a working drag&drop, like this:

var position = { x: 0, y: 0 };interact('.element')  .draggable({    onmove: function(e) {      var target = e.target;      // calculate position      position.x += e.dx;      position.y += e.dy;      // translate the element      target.style.webkitTransform = 'translate(' + position.x + 'px, ' + position.y + 'px)';      }      });

You can find this working example I've just built here: http://codepen.io/leonardfactory/pen/MwPBjZ

I've tested it on mobile safari, and it works just fine, allowing drag&drop. You can find further documentation on its doc page.

I hope this answers your question, if your needs are more specific, feel free to comment and I'll try to edit my answer to adapt it.