enable script debugging using Chrome in Visual Studio 11 enable script debugging using Chrome in Visual Studio 11 javascript javascript

enable script debugging using Chrome in Visual Studio 11

You simply can't do this. Visual Studio only connects with IE in this way.

Chrome does of course have its own debugging tools that you can use, but you won't be able to get your stops inside of Visual Studio as you may hope.

There is a whole load of answered / unanswered / incorrectly answered questions all over the web and SO on the matter.

Here are the steps that worked for me in Visual Studio 2015 (should work in earlier versions as well):

Start chrome in remote debug mode: chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222Attach Visual Studio: "Debug" -> "Attach to Process..." -> select the chrome instance

All credit goes to: http://lostindetails.com/blog/post/JavaScript-debugging-in-VisualStudio-with-Chrome