Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection - Google Chrome Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection - Google Chrome javascript javascript

Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection - Google Chrome

It's a known bug in the current Google Chrome and Chromium:

In the current version of their browser, the Chrome developers had restricted the X-XSS-Protection's report field URL to the same domain origin for some security reasons. So, when you embed a video with some embed code, as it downloads from another server where the header "report=" is set, and while your page is not hosted at the domain - the error message occurs.

Yet, all minor sites (including are sending report URL with different origin domains in it. Probably, they are not even aware of this recent change in Chrome. So either YouTube will change their headers or Chrome developers will revert this. There's nothing that we, as end users, can do. Just wait till they sort this out.


The issue has been fixed in Version 66.0.3359.117 (Official Build) (64-bit)

The issue has been fixed in Google Chrome new update.

Version 66.0.3359.117 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Make sure you have updated Chrome to this version.