expo is out of date uninstall and run again to upgrade expo is out of date uninstall and run again to upgrade javascript javascript

expo is out of date uninstall and run again to upgrade

The issue is to do with the app that is on the iOS simulator / device is out of date and is not compatible with the current version of Expo that you running.

Delete the Expo app from the the iOS simulator and it should work, or install the latest update if you are on a device


One way to do it is with the simulator open is to Erase All Content and Settings. Then re-run npm start and the Expo App will be installed again on this device simulator.

enter image description here

Homebrew update sovled my probolem!

brew upgrade node

Please, try this:

1.- npm cache clean -f2.- yarn upgrade3.- npm upgrade3.- npm install

If this doesn't work try edit package.json:

{  "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-34.0.0.tar.gz",  "expo": "^34.0.1",  "react": "16.8.3"} 


npm install

let me know if this works for you