Facebook "Like" button callback Facebook "Like" button callback javascript javascript

Facebook "Like" button callback

<script>  FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create', function(href, widget) {    alert('You just liked the page!');  });</script>

so I simply rendered a unique like button for each logged in user with a URL of www.somewebsite.com/thisIsThePageIlike/facebookUID.

won't this defeat the purpose of having a like button and mess up your facebook search ranking? Every user will be liking a different url and so facebook will think you have a ton of pages each with a single like count.

I am also having an issue with XFBML like buttons where the edge.create event isn't firing

OK, so I can let you know how I implemented it. What I wanted to get was the UID of the facebook user clicking on the "Like" button inside my facebook connect app. I noticed when a user clicks on the "like" button, facebook fetches the URL passed to it from the button, so I simply rendered a unique like button for each logged in user with a URL of www.somewebsite.com/thisIsThePageIlike/facebookUID. When a request come to the web server with this url, it works like a callback and I process and record the UID if its the first time a user has clicked "like" (ie.. a record of this 'like' does not exist in the db). works for me.