FireFox 4 no longer supports scrollable TBody - workarounds? FireFox 4 no longer supports scrollable TBody - workarounds? javascript javascript

FireFox 4 no longer supports scrollable TBody - workarounds?

I know you're trying to avoid js/separate table implementations, but it was the only one I could find that worked across multiple browsers. Try It's a jquery solution and worked, in my limited testing, across IE6 / IE8 / FF3. (Haven't tested FF4).

PrimeFaces and RichFaces have scrollable datatable components which fetches new rows by ajax.

(both JSF component libraries uses jQuery under the covers anyway)

Thanks to digitaldigs from MozillaZine, I was able to make it work with few modifications.The fix works great for FF4, FF7 and FF11.

I hope this helps! :)

Issues I have fixed-1. scrollWidth did not work for me so had to go for offsetWidth

  1. Scroll bar width 16 pixel also was not helping so removed it. Instead made my tbody style as-

    .scrollContent {overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll; /* I did this only for Mozilla. IE will show 2 scroll bars if applied*/display:block;}

  2. With change #2, I had to pad the last cell of the header to accomodate scroll bar.

    /* I did this only for Mozilla. Not for IE*/

    .fixedHeader tr th:last-child {padding-right: 20px;}

  3. My fixed header table has colspan used a lot hence was not able to set width, so I first look for a correct row with correct number of cells and then I process.

My code looks like below:

function makeMeFixedHeader(){     var tbodys = document.getElementsByName("scrollTableBody");    if (tbodys){        for(var i=0;i<tbodys.length;i++){            // We can put logic here to check if the current height             // of tbody has crossed the specified limit or not             do_tbodyscroll(tbodys[i]);        }    }}function do_tbodyscroll(_tbody){    // get the table node     var table = _tbody.parentNode;    // Get the Last row in Thead ...     // COLGROUPS USING COLSPAN NOT YET SUPPORTED    var thead = table.getElementsByTagName("THEAD")[0];    var _rows = thead.getElementsByTagName("TR");    var tableheader = _rows[_rows.length - 1];    var headercells = tableheader.cells;    // rows of tbody     var _frows = _tbody.getElementsByTagName("TR");    // first row of tbody     var _fr = _tbody.getElementsByTagName("TR")[0];    //var _fr = _tbody.getElementsByName("scrollTableRow")[0];    // first row cells ..     var _frcells = _fr.cells;    if (_frcells.length < headercells.length){        var rowCount = 1;        while (rowCount < _frows.length){            // nth  row of tbody             _fr = _tbody.getElementsByTagName("TR")[rowCount];            //var _fr = _tbody.getElementsByName("scrollTableRow")[rowCount];            // nth row cells ..             _frcells = _fr.cells;            if (headercells.length == _frcells.length){                break;            }            rowCount++;        }    }    // Apply width to header ..    for(var i=0; i<headercells.length; i++){            if (tableheader.cells[i].offsetWidth != _fr.cells[i].offsetWidth){            var lastColumn = (i == headercells.length-1)?true:false;            var changeWidth = (lastColumn)? ((rowCount >= 1)?true:false)                    :true;            var headerW = tableheader.cells[i].offsetWidth;            var cellW = _fr.cells[i].offsetWidth;            if (headerW < cellW){                tableheader.cells[i].width = cellW;                _fr.cells[i].width = tableheader.cells[i].width;                if (lastColumn)                    tableheader.cells[i].width = tableheader.cells[i].offsetWidth-20;             }else{                tableheader.cells[i].width = headerW;                _fr.cells[i].width = tableheader.cells[i].width;                if (lastColumn)                    _fr.cells[i].width = tableheader.cells[i].offsetWidth-20;            }        }    }    //var j = headercells.length-1;    // ADD 16 Pixel of scroll bar to last column ..    //tableheader.cells[j].width =  _fr.cells[j].offsetWidth + 20; = "block"; = "block"; }