Generate JavaScript documentation with Doxygen Generate JavaScript documentation with Doxygen javascript javascript

Generate JavaScript documentation with Doxygen

See the special command \fn to explicitly declare the function in the doxygen, preferably in the header of source, like this:

/*! * Language * Declare the root class * \Class Language *//*!  * definitions is a property in the Language class * \property Definitions definitions *//*! * Document the Definitions static class that used as property in the Language class * \Class Definitions *//*! * Replaces strings * Document the static method for the Definitions class * \fn string replaceStrings(translation, parameters) * \memberof Definitions * \param string translation Translation string  * \param array parameters (optional) List of parameters * \return string replaced string */Language.definitions = (function(){    var Translations = {};    function replaceStrings(translation, parameters)    {       ...    }